CASTING.XXX Dana Fake Agent 1066
Dana (43mins) This nineteen year old blonde was very enthusiastic when I asked her if she liked sex. For a split second I thought she had cum in her pants prematurely, but it was just the stardust on her David Bowie t-shirt. In retrospect this was very strange fuck. I couldn’t’ get use to that cheeky smirk she kept giving me, it made me think that behind the facial expression she had bad intentions. After I was through fucking her she looked like a disheveled coconut wearing a blonde wig. Also, she couldn’t suck a good dick so I told her that she had to practice with her boyfriend as sort of a homework exercise. When all said and done though she did let me cum in her pussy, which give me a sense of satisfaction. Not the best I’ve ever had but another hole another goal.
WMV 1280×720 43:21 587MB